"Amazing, refreshing flavor - and I love the results. No belly bloating and I feel so light and fresh!"
- Marry P. client
"This mintox won me from the first sip. And I take detox very seriously! It’s a now a must in my everyday healthy routine"
- Maria K. client
Mint Detox Tea
€ 28,20
Weight: 150 gr., Servings: 21
21-day full mintox program
100% natural detox formula enriched with Peppermint
Active mintox
Deeply cleanses the body from toxins, leading to rejuvenation, renewal & weight loss.
The happy belly formula
Has a potent debloating effect, improving digestion & the regular work of the colon tract. Because slimming starts at the gut!
Antioxidant infusion
Works to expel toxins & free radicals, thus supporting overall health & beautifying the skin.
Enriched with Mint & Bergamot taste
Refreshing peppermint flavor with a subtle Bergamot twist and various health & beauty benefits.
Strong alkalizing action
Reduces the acidity of the organism helping you feel fresh and revitalized.
Mobilize the metabolism
By stimulating metabolic processes, it helps lose weight at a natural and healthy pace.
21-day full mintox program
100% natural routine enriched with mint – for deep body cleansing & fit figure in 3 weeks.
Free delivery on
orders over €50!
The delivery time is
from 3 to 7 business days
Payment on
"Amazing, refreshing flavor - and I love the results. No belly bloating and I feel so light and fresh!"
- Marry P. client

+ Free food plan on all orders

+ Free home workout plan on all orders over €50

+ Free yoga plan on all Wellness tea orders
We decided to enrich our already well-beloved Detox mix with a classical component!
This time we aimed for a faster, deeper and extra cleansing effect of detoxification. So we added a touch of minty freshness to our original detox blend, along with the delicious flavor of Bergamot.
Because we pledge to always come up with
New premium blends that deliver figure-shaping, health-boosting and beautifying results.
The Mint Detox is a special edition herbal mix based on our first best-selling detox recipe. Why add Mint, you ask? Because it’s the ultimate herb that supports gut health and balances digestion. Purification from toxins, as well as fast metabolism and weight loss, all start at the gut.
By carefully blending the right proportions of mint with the other 9 super herbs for body cleansing, we created an extra gut-healthy mix. Our new mintox formula works to improve digestion, optimize the work of the colon tract, debloat the belly and stimulate blood circulation – in one go. These actions produce a
washing all the bad stuff out and supplying antioxidants instead.
Give it a try, your entire body will thank you for it! Especially your belly! And glowing skin, too.

+ Free food plan on all orders

+ Free home workout plan on all orders over €50

+ Free yoga plan on all Wellness tea orders
Toxins, toxins, toxins.
They make us retain water and gain pounds.
Other symptoms are:
• We eat more than usual
• Belly is often bloated
• We can’t lose weight
• We feel exhausted for no reason
• Our skin has lost its tone
Drinking tea is proven to be both the most effective and the healthiest way to cleanse our bodies from the harmful impact of the hectic modern life.
Unlike other detox methods which offer mainly a diuretic action, WOW TEA Detox alkalizes the body and reduces acidity. Thanks to the high content of antioxidants in WOW TEA Detox, the tea helps neutralize free radicals and flush out all toxic elements from the organism. The multi-profile detoxing effect optimizes the work of the body, speeding up all processes, including metabolism, so that the change inside is visible on the outside.


Based on the original formula of our WOW TEA Detox, the special Mint edition tea обогатен с comes enriched with the herb claimed to be the goddess of them all: that’s Peppermint. The numerous positive effects of Mint combined with the power of the most potent body-cleansing herbs in the world, make our Mint Detox a unique recipe for a happy belly, enhanced health, glowing skin and a naturally shaped-up figure!

- Helps speed up the metabolism
- Normalizes the work of the colon tract
- Has a potent debloating action
- Improves digestion and regularity

- Flushes toxins out of the body
- Decreases appetite
- Boosts metabolism
- Reduces water retention

- Helps prevent photoaging
- Strengthens the immune system
- Breaks down & eliminates bodily toxins
- Stimulates the processing of fat deposits

- Loaded with antioxidants
- Helps the body burn more calories at a faster pace
- Neutralizes harmful molecules called free radicals
- Stimulates the breakdown of fat cells

South America
- Extracts excess body fluids
- Removes belly swelling
- Boosts good HDL cholesterol & lowers the bad stuff
- Keeps the skin soft & smooth

- An antioxidant powerhouse
- Contains 7 essential amino acids
- Boosts blood circulation & activates the lymphatic system
- Makes the skin smooth & glowing

- Relieves upset stomach & indigestion
- Has a natural destress effect
- Promotes beautiful skin, hair & nails
- Supports healthy sleep

- Rich in natural antioxidants
- Has anti-inflammatory properties
- Relieves muscle fatigue
- Rejuvenates & revives the skin

Green Tea
Yerba Mate
Orange blossom
Calendula petals
See all ingredients
- • Helps speed up the metabolism
- • Normalizes the work of the colon tract
- • Has a potent debloating action
- • Improves digestion and regularity
Green Tea
- • Flushes toxins out of the body
- • Decreases appetite
- • Boosts metabolism
- • Reduces water retention
- • Alkalizes the body
- • Helps prevent photoaging
- • Strengthens the immune system
- • Breaks down & eliminates bodily toxins
- • Stimulates the processing of fat deposits
- Improves quality of sleep
- • Loaded with antioxidants
- • Neutralizes harmful molecules called free radicals
- • Helps the body burn more calories at a faster pace
- • Stimulates the breakdown of fat cells
South America
- • Extracts excess body fluids
- • Removes belly swelling
- • Boosts good HDL cholesterol & lowers the bad stuff
- • Keeps the skin soft & smooth
Yerba Mate
- • An antioxidant powerhouse
- • Contains 7 essential amino acids
- •Boosts blood circulation & activates the lymphatic system
- • Makes the skin smooth & glowing
Orange blossom
- • Relieves upset stomach & indigestion
- • Has a natural destress effect
- • Promotes beautiful skin, hair & nails
- • Supports healthy sleep
Calendula petals
- • Rich in natural antioxidants
- • Has anti-inflammatory properties
- • Relieves muscle fatigue
- • Rejuvenates & revives the skin
See all ingredients

The improved work of the kidneys washes out toxic waste & water weight which cause bloating and puffiness.
Your metabolism speeds up & your body begins to burn stored fat for energy & process calories at a faster pace.
As your appetite & sugar cravings decrease, losing weight is virtually inevitable! And natural too.
Because your blood circulation is improved, orange peel skin begins to disappear. Your skin becomes soft & glowing. The body – cleansed from toxins.
Pour 0,17 oz (1 tbsp) of tea with 13.5-16,9 oz of hot water



“All the toxins inside – this herbal blend cleanses them so well! I can feel it. I had skin problems before, now my skin is clean and glowing, it looks just lovely! This detox is the best, I’m so hyped!”
Emily R.
“I couldn’t believe how quickly I got a flat tummy! This detox tea helped me boost my metabolism and cleanse my body from the awful toxins – I simply love it! I have been drinking it for 7 days and I definitely feel the change!”
Rosie C.
“I drink it 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch and it works really well for me! I love the delicious taste, I feel light and have a lot of energy! It also speeds up my metabolism and keeps my skin clean and smooth! I can’t be happier!”
Evelyn K.
“I’ve been drinking tea for 10 days now, my bloated belly is gone, I feel energetic and toned! The taste is incredible! I am so happy that my friends told me about this: it works, it’s delicious, it’s all natural!”
Aria O.
Depending on the order, you receive one or more free programs or/and plans. Our food plan, yoga and workout programs are all digital editions – PDF files which you receive on your email after you have completed your order via the WOW TEA website. First you get a confirmation letter for the order you have made. Then a second email comes, immediately after the first one – in this second email there is a link(s) to the plan or/and program(s) you receive with your order. Clicking on the link(s), it will lead you to a certain plan or program. Once you open the link, you can download the plan or program from the upper right corner of the screen. Or you can access it via link you have – anytime, anywhere!
If you don’t see an email with the digital plan or program in your inbox, please check the spam folder! If the email isn’t there either, write us at [email protected] or message us on our WOW TEA Facebook page. We are going to review your order and send the PDF file shortly!
Ползите от 3-седмичната програма единствено се увеличават с времето, така че тялото ти ще ти бъде благодарно, ако продължиш да пиеш WOW Tea Detox и след 21-вия ден. Истина е, че основната част от прочистването на тялото и ускоряването на метаболизма се случва през първите 21 дена от започването на консумацията на чая. Но фактите сочат, че ако включиш WOW Tea Detox в ежедневието си за постоянно, това ще ти помогне да запазиш организма си чист от токсини, да имаш винаги бърз метаболизъм, повече енергия през деня, както и гладка кожа през цялото време.

Mint Detox Tea

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