Terms and conditions for the sale of goods through an E-commerce website.
1. These general conditions are governing the contracts for distance selling within the meaning of the Consumer protection act between „ATOP” LLC and consumers in connection with ordering and purchasing of the offered through electronic shop
2. “ATOP” LLC. is a trading company with limited liability within the meaning of the Commerce Act, with UIC: 204725382, VAT number: BG 204725382 and address of management: 79 Nikola Gabrovski Str., Fl. 1, Sofia 1700, Bulgaria.
3. “WOW Tea” is a reserved trade mark of “ATOP” LLC. and its property. ”WOW Tea” is administrator of the web page and its corresponding sub domains.
4. In addition to the above said address, contact with ”WOW Tea” is established via telephone number + 359 889 354 543 or via e-mail:
The estimated response time is within 24 to 48 hours (excluding weekends).
5. For the purposes of these general conditions the terms below have the following meaning:
5.1. Seller – “WOW Tea” or any of the partners of “ATOP” Ltd., published on the website.
5.2. Website/Site – web pages, attached to the domains and its corresponding sub domains.
5.3. Internet page – an integral and distinct part of a website.
5.4. User/Customer – Any person, who is not an employee of “WOW Tea” and is using the Internet pages, described above, in any way.
5.5. User Account/Account – a separate section in the site, containing information about the User, provided by the same upon registering, and stored by, while access to user’s profile is carried out by entering a user name and password. The User profile presents the User with the opportunity to examine and edit data, introduced upon registration, as well as entries in the address book, to have access to information of all requests for purchase of goods from the e-commerce store, to change the password for access, to get a subscription, respectively to refuse a subscription for receiving an information bulletin and other.
5.6. Order – request by the Customer, by which they declare intention to purchase goods or services from the site.
5.7. Catalog/Store- list of goods, located in a site and representing its main content, to which customers have free access.
5.8. Goods – element of the catalogue, located in a site, which is a subject of the contract for sale.
5.9. Contract – any contract, concluded distantly, between “WOW Tea” and a customer for the purchase of goods from the site, as a consequence of filing of customer Order. These General Terms and Conditions are an integral part of said Contract. Each separately placed order constitutes a separate contract.
5.10. Content – All information on the website, which can be accessed through the use of an electronic device; the content of all information sent by the Customer to the Seller and vice versa.
5.11. Newsletter, Brochure, Message -Information sources, concerning products in the “WOW Tea” site, without being bound by the information provided.
5.12. Payment – Collection or recovery of funds, resulting from the sale of a product.
5.13. Force Majeure circumstance – Unforeseeable event, beyond the control of the parties, which cannot to be avoided.
6. The general terms and conditions set out rules, by which the Customer can use the site and its content, in cases where there is no available otherwise valid agreement between him and the Seller.
7. The general terms and conditions are obligatory for all customers of the site. Using it means the customer has introduced themselves with them carefully and has agreed to them in each of his use.
7.1. Os dados e informações pessoais fornecidos pelos utilizadores/clientes são usados pela WOW TEA para gerir as encomendas, para a entrega dos produtos e serviços, processar pagamentos, comunicações via e-mail, SMS, Viber, WhatsApp, plataformas de redes socias (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) com utilizadores/clientes sobre as suas encomendas, produtos, serviços e ofertas promocionais ou recomendações de outros produtos.
8. Terms and conditions can be changed unilaterally and at any time by “WOW Tea”. These changes come into force immediately after being published on the site.
9. With the acceptance of these Terms and conditions, the Customer expressly agrees to the conclusion of distance contracts as a result of an Order made by him.
10. “WOW Tea” reserves the right to terminate or refuse registration of the customer, unilaterally at its discretion, without owing any penalty or compensations about it.
11. Placing an order is possible and valid only for the territory of Portugal and only for persons over 18 years of age. By registering on the website and creating an order, the Customer declares that he / she is of legal age (at the age of 18).
12. “WOW Tea” specifies that image (static/dynamic presentations and so on) of the products have informative character and is possible that the supplied products may differ from what is depicted, due to technical errors, change of characteristics, design or their audit. The Seller does not bear responsibility for such discrepancies.
13. The features, descriptions and prices of products on the site can contain errors and can be changed at any time. The Seller does not bear responsibility for such discrepancies, but is obliged to remove them in a timely manner, if such are indicated by the Customer.
14. “WOW Tea” reserves the right to make changes on the site, its structure and functions without prior notice to customers.
15. “WOW Tea” is not responsible for any errors, which can appear on the site, due to technical reasons.
16. “WOW Tea” reserves the right to publish advertising boxes/banners/of any kind and/or connections/links, in any part of the site, according to current legislation.
17. All goods, including those in promotion, are sold and shipped to the depletion of the available quantities from the warehouse of the Seller, even if that is not expressly noted on the site.
18. It is possible that the site may contain links/referrals to other sites, “WOW Tea” does not bear the responsibility for the content and policies of these sites.
19. The Seller and the Customer agree that all electronic communication between them, including using a particular account, has the power of a handwritten signature in the relations between them.
20. If any of the provisions of these general conditions for use of the site is invalid or inapplicable to the particular contract, regardless of the reason for this, this does not imply any invalidity or inapplicability of the other regulations.
21. The contract for a distance sale of goods is considered to be concluded from the moment an order sent by the Customer is accepted by the Seller.
22. The Seller informs the Customer by email and/or telephone for the registration of the contract.
23. In all cases, in which an order is registered and the Customer has received confirmation, the same owes payment in full size, which is negotiated for each individual order.
24. The Seller reserves the right at the inability to supply to refuse partially or entirely to fulfil the contract; as in this case he is due to return only the received amounts, without the charges for the Customer.
25. When the warehouse stock of a particular item is insufficient for the execution of all received orders, the rule in the previous point is applied.
26. Provided information from the Customer, as well as the current general conditions are an integral part of the Distance selling contract.
27. Access to the site for registration of an account and creation of an order is allowed for each Customer. The Customer bears responsibility for the correctness of submitted data and for compliance with the special requirements of the law in connection with the conclusion of civil contracts.
28. “WOW Tea” can restrict access to orders, products, services, payment methods and other of any Customer, in its sole discretion without prior warning or notice. “WOW Tea” does not bear responsibility for any loss, which the Customer suffers or may suffer in the result of this decision.
29. Each Customer can have only one account on the site. It is not allowed one account to be shared between several Customers; all responsibility for the damages from such sharing is borne by the Customer.
30. All prices on the site are announced in Eur (Eur), VAT included
31. The price of the product does not include the cost of delivery and outstanding fees in payment. In all cases before the completion of the contract “WOW Tea” will designate a site value of the additional costs, which the Customer has to pay.
32. It is possible, after the purchase of goods, “WOW Tea” to ask the Customer via e-mail, telephone or other means of communication for a review of purchased goods. By voluntarily providing a Review and/or a photo from the Customer, the same expressly agrees that “WOW Tea” can use this Review and/or photo for advertising purposes on its site or its sub domains.
33. Prices on the site, crossed with a line, indicate the old price of goods in the store. These prices are informative in nature and have no relation to the actual due price.
34. Upon presentation of products and services “WOW Tea” reserves the right to use other products (accessories and others), which may be not be included in the price of the product. In such cases, the description of the product contains the included set of products and any which are not included in the same description are considered to not be included in the kit.
35. “WOW Tea” reserves the right to change prices of goods and services at any time, without advance notification to the Customer.
36. The price of products and services is this, which is available at the time of placing an order in the context of inventory balances and/or for the period of the promotion, if there is one. Any changes in prices, occurred after the adoption of the order, are not pertaining to it.
37. “WOW Tea” does not guarantee availability of any product, which can be purchased on the site, before it has confirmed to the Customer via email or phone, that the contract is executed and an order is transmitted for delivery.
38. WOW Tea may, at its discretion, issue promotional discount codes to individual users / customers. The value, scope and period of validity are determined unilaterally by WOW TEA. The promotional codes provided cannot be shared with other users / customers.
38.1. Two (2) or more promotions can not be applied to one order.
38.2. Condition for the promotion “free tea for second order” – in the order must be selected at least one (1) item at a regular price in addition to the desired free tea.
38.3. Os códigos promocionais não são válidos para produtos que já estejam incluídos numa campanha promocional ou noutro tipo de desconto.
39. The Customer can place an order on the site by the addition of the proposed goods and services in the shopping cart, following instructions and steps in the site, in order to complete and sent the order.
40. Upon completion of its order, the Customer agrees that all provided information required in the purchase process is correct and complete at the time of the order.
41. Incomplete orders do not lead to registration of an order.
42. Goods and services are available in the context of produce stock availability and can be confirmed or refused depending on availability.
43. “WOW Tea” reserves the right to clarify availability and terms of delivery by phone or email at the time of processing of an order.
44. “WOW Tea” does not bear responsibility for compliance of the terms of delivery of the products.
45. Until delivery, the Seller may refuse to partially and/or fully fulfil a placed order when delivery is impossible because of objective reasons, or due to legal defects in the contract concluded, given they will notify the Customer in advance. In such cases the Seller is obliged to reimburse the amounts paid by the Customer, if any, without this resulting in any additional costs for the same, after which the contract is considered terminated and the parties have no other obligations to each other.
46. With the placement of an order the Customer gives the right to the Seller to get in touch with them for guidance in every possible way, when this is required in connection with the said order.
47. In case а change in terms of supply or in the contents of placed order or in other terms in the contract is necessary, an employee of “WOW Tea” has to inform the Customer via phone or email. In such case the Customer has the right to refuse the contract or to confirm the order. In both cases the Seller shall not be liable for damages beyond the liability for repayment of the amounts already paid.
48. The Customer can refuse an order up to the moment of receiving information that the order is completed and has a pending shipment. This can be done by emailing address: In these cases the Seller recovers fully the payment made by the Customer, if there is such, in the same way that the payment was made, without any cost to the customer. The Customer does not bear responsibility for damages and loss of benefits and the contract is deemed to be terminated.
49. Under the Distance sales contract, any Customer who has the quality of an User may return the product in a non-infringing commercial manner without specifying objective reason for claim within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the goods. Return shipping costs are a liability and responsibility of the Customer. “WOW Tea” will not accept goods shipped via cash on delivery payment method.
50. Other grounds for termination of the Distance sales contract by the Customer are:
50. 1. Defective packaging – The Customer may request a replacement of the goods if they find that it is in poor commercial appearance. In this case, the cost of returning the product shall be borne by the Seller. If upon receipt of the goods by the Customer and within 24 hours, the Customer does not contact “WOW Tea” in writing or by telephone to establish the damage to the products concerned, they are considered to have been received in good commercial form. In this case “WOW Tea” is not obliged to replace the respective products.
50. 2. Mixed product on delivery. If the Customer finds that the product delivered by the courier is different from the one they ordered, they can return it to courier to send them the correct one. Shipping costs are covered by the Seller.
51. The Customer is obliged to inform the Seller of their intention to return the goods purchased or to withdraw from the Distance sales contract by stating their decision unambiguously by written communication via email within the specified time limit. To exercise their right of withdrawal, the Customer must use the Right of Withdrawal Form. Failure to comply with the 14-day product return period or if the product is returned without the Customer notifying the Seller, the latter is not obliged to reimburse the amounts paid by the Customer.
52. If a problem with the purchased goods occurs the Customer may contact the Seller by email address:
The estimated response time is within 24 to 48 hours (excluding weekends).
53. Goods shall be returned to the warehouse of “WOW Tea”: “2660Express”” – ESTRADA NACIONAL 379 , 0 SN, FRENTE A LOJA PEROLA SANTANA, SESIMBRA, 2970-129 SESIMBRA, Portugal, phone:00351960399003” for “WOW TEA” with the option to review and examine the status of the products in order to establish the compliance with the terms for return.
54. In the event that the Customer exercises their right to withdraw from the Distance sales contract, “WOW Tea” shall refund the amounts paid in full not later than 14 calendar days from the date on which the item was accepted back into the “WOW Tea” warehouse. The cost of returning the goods is deducted from the amount that the Consumer has paid in accordance with the contract, except in case the Customer has returned the goods on their own account and has informed the supplier.
54.1. If the client no longer wishes his order, he/she has to return the goods on their account to ATOP LLC. The customer then should provide ATOP LLC with a tracking number. When ATOP LLC has made sure the goods are sent back to the warehouse and the package is not harmed, it has the responsibility to refund the money to the client in 14 calendar days.
55. The Seller has the right to delay the recovery of the amount until the receipt of the sold goods and is not responsible for items which are not delivered to his warehouse.
56. The recovery of the sum is carried out by bank transfer to the account referred to in the Return form which can be downloaded HERE. If the payment is made by bank card or PayPal, the amount in returned to the card or account from which the payment is made.
57. If the Customer exercises their Right of withdrawal from the Distance sales contract, they must deliver the goods back to “WOW Tea” without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the date the user announces their decision to withdraw from the contract. The deadline is considered to be met if the user submits information for their decision to “WOW Tea” in writing before the expiry of the 14-day time limit.
58.The replacement period, due to a technical malfunction or breakage, of glass bottles and infusers is 15 calendar days from the day of acceptance of the goods by the Customer. The customer is obligated to provide evidence (photo or video) of the technical malfunction or breakage they reported. After this period, “WOW Tea” has the right to refuse the return or replacement of these products.WOW TEA bottles and limited cups are NOT dishwasher safe. ATOP Ltd. Is not responsible for damage to products after washing in a dishwasher.
59. When exercising the Right of withdrawal from the Distance sales contract, the Customer is obliged to keep the goods received from the supplier, their quality intact and in safety upto their return.
60. In case the goods ordered and pre-paid by the Customer cannot be delivered by the Seller, the latter will inform the Customer about this and refund the amount paid within 14 days from the date on which the Seller ascertains this fact or from the date on which the Customer expresses their wish to terminate the contract.
61. Conditions for return or exchange:
61. 1. The Customer must notify the Seller in writing by email with a completed return form. In case of a problem with the products, the customer must provide photos or video material.
61. 2. All goods have to be in the same condition as when delivered, without damages, in impeccable commercial appearance and full kit. The packaging should be intact, not broken, scratched or damaged;
61. 3. If the product has been accompanied with a gift, the same should be returned;
61.4. Under the Distance sales contract, any Customer who has the quality of a User may return the product in a non-infringing commercial manner without specifying objective reason for claim within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the goods. Return shipping costs are a liability and responsibility of the Customer. ATOP LLC will not accept goods shipped via cash on delivery payment method.
61.5. If the client wants to return product which was bought as part of a PROMO bundle – the regular price of the remaining products (or bundle price, if there is an active promo bundle with the same products) will be charged to the customer (delivery charge will also be added if the order price is less than the required minimum for free shipping). The difference in the amount paid by the customer and the amended order price will be refunded up to 14 days after the customer returns the product.
62. If the product is returned in an open/used state and cannot be sold as new, the Seller reserves the right to refuse the return of the amount paid by the Customer upon the placement of the order, as well as the subsequent costs of the return of the product.
63. Prices of goods and services are final and include VAT, as well as all other taxes and fees, provided for in the current legislation.
64. Price and method of payment are indicated in each order.
65. Methods of payment, offered by “WOW Tea” are: Cash on delivery, PayPal, Credit/Debit Card
66. The Customer agrees to perform payment in accordance with the selected by them method and the terms of the Distance sale contract upon its conclusion and under conditions between the Customer and the respective provider of payment services.
67. The Customer agrees that the Seller has the right to demand and accept an advance payment for the contracts for the purchase and sale of goods and their delivery.
68 . In case “WOW Tea” does not receive payment according to the method chosen by the Customer and within the agreed terms before the order is executed, it shall be considered refused by the Customer.
69. The Seller delivers the online ordered goods through courier company “CTT Expresso” at the address specified by the Customer.
69.1. ATOP ltd. It is not responsible if the order has the status of “delivered” to the courier company, and the customer has claims about it. In this case, the customer must fill out an application that he has not received the order and hand it over to ATOP ltd., So that the latter can start an investigation with the courier company.
70. The Seller carries out the delivery of goods only on the territory of Portugal.
70.1. As ATOP LLC is company established in the EU and shipments are being sent from the territory of the EU, custom taxes could be imposed upon delivery to the client outside of EU. It remains customer’s liability to be informed of the possible charges that could be imposed on customs.
71. The goods sold are accompanied by the necessary documents and original packaging.
72. The time of delivery is between 3 and 6 working days. An exception is point 47.
72.1. PRIORITY SHIPPING – The priority shipping guarantees that your order will be processed and fulfilled with priority before the rest of the orders. Such orders will be also processed and fulfilled with priority in case of stock shortage. Those orders are also the first one to be handled to the courier company for delivery. ATOP LLC will not be held responsible if the courier company delayed the order.
73. Delivery cost is EUR 4.90 incl. VAT.
74. Delivery of orders for goods of value over EUR 40 (VAT included) is free for the Customer.
75. The details regarding the terms of delivery of the goods are indicative and the Seller is not bound by them to execute the delivery on a specific date. The Customer is not entitled to any compensation in case of delayed delivery.
76. Deliveries are carried out from Monday to Friday between 09.00 and 18.00 o’clock with the exception of official holidays. There may be an exception for settlements with special service schedule.
77. On the day of delivery, the Customer receives a SMS and/or an e-mail from the courier stating that there is a shipment to be received. If the Customer is not found on the agreed upon day and place and there is no other person to accept the shipment for them, the courier leaves a note that the address has been visited along with contact details. The consignment is returned to the courier’s office to be received upon request. If the Customer does not contact the Seller or the courier company the next day, the order is considered cancelled.
78. The Customer has the opportunity to open and examine the contents of the shipment before paying to the courier.
79. “WOW Tea” or a courier company representative notifies the Customer by phone or email if unforeseen circumstances prevent the timely implementation of the delivery.
80. The Customer agrees that certifying the goods have been received may be executed by a person, for whom, in the circumstances, it may be inferred that they will pass on the information to the Customer – party to the contract.
81. The Customer must inspect the goods at the time of delivery and its handing over by the Seller or courier, and if there are any inconsistencies with the order, must notify the Seller immediately.
82. The risk of loss or damage of the purchased goods passes on to the Customer at the moment when the latter or a third party designated by them, other than the person appointed by “WOW Tea” Courier Company, accepts the goods.
83. The ownership of the goods shall be transferred with the delivery of the goods to the Customer, after payment has been made. The delivery of the goods will be certified by the Customer’s signature on the transport document provided by the courier.
84. The Seller has the right to use subcontractors without having to notify or obtain the Customer’s consent. The Seller will be responsible for the actions of these subcontractors.
85. All content, including, but not limited to, images, design, software, data bases, information and any other content published on the site is property of “WOW Tea” or third parties, in which case “WOW Tea” has been authorized to use.
86. All content to which the Customer has accesses, is protected by the law, unless accompanied by written consent to use between “WOW Tea” and the Customer or a third party.
87. The Distance sale contract does not authorize the Customer to copy, distribute, provide to third parties or change in any way whatsoever any part of the content of the site, except with the explicit consent of “WOW Tea”.
88. The Customer agrees that by providing their personal data to the Seller, it may be used for any lawful purposes without the Seller having to ask the Customer for their consent to process them in each individual case.
89. “WOW Tea” may, without the consent of the Customer, collect other information such as, but not limited to, IP address, operating system, visit time, location from which the site is accessible, name and version of the web browser, and other data provided by the web browser used to access the site.
90. The Customer may refuse the collection of personal information and request its deletion, thereby withdrawing their consent to the General Terms and Conditions, without further obligation from each of the parties to the other and/or without any party being held liable for any harm to the other. Exercising of this right is performed in writing through the means of contacting the Seller
91. By providing personal data to the Seller such as, but not limited to, email and phone, the Customer gives consent to be contacted by the Seller, as well as third parties who are partners of “WOW Tea”.
92. The Customer is responsible for the protection of the confidentiality of their password and account and is responsible for all actions, carried out by their account.
93. “WOW Tea” collects, processes and stores personal data of individuals, in compliance with the regulatory requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the EU and the Council and of the Law on Personal Data Protection in reference to the activities performed by the company. One part of this personal information is collected in connection with the legal requirements imposed on “WOW Tea”, another part is based on the needs to fulfil the contracts concluded with the Customers, and still other is based on the explicit consent of the subjects of this data for marketing purposes and analysis. More detailed information regarding the protection and use of personal data is contained in the Privacy Policy and The privacy policy of “WOW Tea”, which is an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions.
94. According to the Law on Personal Data Protection, the User has the right to access their own personal data which they have entered, as well as to correct of said personal data.
95. The personal data of the Customer may be provided to the relevant state bodies, on the grounds and within the law, and upon their explicit request.
96. The Seller shall not be liable for any damage suffered by the Customer or by third parties as a result of force majeure circumstances or such beyond the control of the Seller.
97. The Seller is not responsible for any physical or mental harm as well as allergic reactions resulting from the use of the products. “WOW Tea” products are not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 18 years of age. The products in the “WOW Tea” store are not a medicine or a substitute for one. If you are hesitant about the effects of any of the ingredient, listed on the package of each product, on your physical or mental condition, we recommend consulting your doctor before using the products.
98. “WOW Tea” is not responsible for the actions of any person who uses the content of the site.
99. “WOW Tea” shall not be liable for any damages, direct, indirect, incidental or other, resulting from the use or inability to use the site or for any errors or omissions in the content that may lead to harm.
100. “WOW Tea” does not guarantee to the Customer the availability of any product, access to the site, account, content, products and services and shall not be liable for any damages to the Customer or third parties, resulting from that.
101. “WOW Tea” offers no guarantee that the goods will meet the Customer’s requirements or expectations.
102. “WOW Tea” shall under no circumstances be liable for any damages, including but not limited, to lost profits, loss of information, interruption of activity resulting from the use, inability to use, or the results of use of the site.
103. In all other cases the Seller’s liability is limited to the value of the goods ordered and paid for by the Customer.
104. Upon creation of an account, the Customer agrees by default to receive brochures, notices, bulletins and other special offers from “WOW Tea”.
105. The Customer may at any time refuse to receive the special offers, brochures and notices: By using the special link contained in each special offer; by using a special section in their account; by calling the Seller’s contact numbers; in writing via email.
106. By accepting these terms, the Customer agrees by default to receive calls, messages and short text messages, carried out with or without human intervention, which are necessary for the execution of the contract.
107. The Customer may at any time refuse to receive messages and short text messages by calling the Seller’s contact numbers or in writing via email.
108. “WOW Tea” reserves the right to remove individual Customer contacts from its database without any further commitments and without further notice.
109. “WOW Tea” does not distribute unsolicited commercial communications within the meaning of the Electronic Commerce Act.
110. Refusal to receive special offers and notices does not constitute a waiver of this contract.
111. The parties are not responsible for the failure to fulfil their contractual obligations if it is due to force majeure circumstances.
112. If, within 14 days of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, they cannot be overcome, either party has the right to ask the other to terminate the contract without any party being liable for damages.
113. This Document has been prepared and will be interpreted in accordance with Bulgarian law and legislation.
114. By using, visiting the Site, browsing and other of any content, product, accessible and/or delivered in any way, the Customer agrees to these General Terms and Conditions.
115. Disputes that may arise between the Customer and “WOW Tea” will be settled by mutual agreement through mutual concession. If this is not possible, the dispute will be referred to the Sofia Arbitration Tribunal of the International Justice and Arbitration Association according to its rules. The current arbitration clause does not apply to customers – individuals. Disputes with customers – individuals will be referred to the tribunal and the locally competent Bulgarian court.
116. Supervisor agency – Online Dispute Resolution https://ec.europa.eueu/pteu/pt
Rules and conditions for participation in the WOW TEA Christmas game
Christmas Giveaway
- Entry Period and Method:
1.1. 1.1. The period for participation in the Christmas game is from 12.12.2024 to 26.12.2024.
1.2. 1.2.1 The game is held in the WOW TEA online store.
- Organizer:
2.1. ATOP Ltd, UIC : 204725382, registered office and registered address : gr. Sofia. Nikola Gabrovski 79, et. 1, MOL: Emil Tsvetanov
- Participants:
3.1. Participant in the Game may be any able-bodied natural person (over 18 years of age) with a permanent address in the Republic of Bulgaria, who during the Participation Period under item 1.1:
3.1.1. registers with a valid email address;
3.1.2. enters the Game, thereby indicating that each entrant accepts these rules;
3.2. Employees of the organizer, as well as employees of other companies sent to perform temporary work for the Organizer, as users of the companies of these employees under their direction and control, and members of their families are not eligible to participate in the game.
- Mechanism of participation:
4.1. Participation in the game is not for the purpose of and is not tied to the purchase of a product or service offered by the Organizer.
4.2 Each Entrant who has fulfilled the conditions in clause 3.1 and meets the requirements of clause 3.2 is entered into the draw for the prizes in clause 5 below.
4.3. Each Entrant is entered into the draw only once and can only win one prize regardless of how many times they have entered.
4.4. Only eligible emails will be considered valid.
- Rewards: 3 Detox Discovery bundles
Contains: Detox Tea, Mint Detox Tea, Berry Detox Tea, Cocoa Detox Tea, tea bottle – pink
- Determination of the winning Participants:
6.1. Only Entrants who meet the conditions in clauses 3 and 4 of these Rules will be entered into the prize selection under clause 5.
6.2. The selection of the winning Entrants will be made within 5 (five) working days after the end of the Game.
6.3. The winning Entrants are 3 in total and will be selected at random by electronic draw.
6.4. Alternate winning Entrants will be selected in the event that they need to replace the previous drawn Entrants if they cannot be found and/or cannot claim the prize within the time limit set out in clause 7.1 of these Rules.
6.5 After each winning Entrant has been drawn, a check will be carried out to ensure that they meet the conditions set out in these Rules. In the event that a winning Entrant is not eligible to receive a prize, the next eligible alternate winning Entrant in line will be deemed the winner.
6.6. Winners will receive an email within 3 (three) working days of the closing date.
- Receiving the rewards:
7.1. Within 3 (three) working days after the date of determination of the winning Entrants in accordance with the preceding clause 6, the same will be required to provide all necessary details for delivery of the prize won – three names, telephone number and delivery address.
7.1.1. In the event that a winning Entrant fails to provide the required details within 3 (three) business days of the announcement of the winners or refuses to receive the reward, an alternate winning Entrant shall be selected in his/her place and shall be sent a notice in accordance with this clause. In the event that he/she fails to respond within three (3) days of notification or refuses to accept the reward, the reward shall remain unallocated and no new draw shall be organised.
7.2. The reward can be claimed within 3 (three) weeks of the winners being announced. The delivery time may vary due to the workload of courier companies.
7.3. The rewards cannot be exchanged for cash or any other equivalent.
7.4. Prizes may not be assigned to third parties.
7.5. If the prizes have not been awarded within 3 (three) weeks of the date of the relevant draw, no new draw will be organised.
- Rights and Responsibilities:
8.1. The Organiser shall not be liable: a) in the event that the prize cannot be received, provided or redeemed due to the inability of the relevant Entrant and/or their representative to identify themselves and/or receive the prize within the specified time limits or due to other technical and/or legal impediments relating to the specific winning Entrant and/or their representative/agent; b) in the event that the prize cannot be provided and/or redeemed due to force majeure circumstances – due to regulatory or legal restrictions or any other
8.2. The Organiser shall not be liable for any failure to enter or to award a prize if an Entrant’s registration for the Game contains incomplete, false or misleading information.
8.3. The Organiser shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate the Game at any time in the event that circumstances arise which prevent the Game from being conducted, including but not limited to abuse, breach of these Rules, force majeure, act of an administrative, judicial or other authority, etc. In such cases the Organiser shall not owe any compensation to the Participants.
8.4. Any attempts to manipulate the Game and the place where it is held are prohibited. In the event of any abuse that may be used to influence the Game page, as well as in the event of any suspicion of such abuse, the Organiser shall be entitled to disqualify the Participant concerned, in which case the Organiser shall not be obliged to give reasons or explain the disqualification.
8.5. Each Entrant must ensure that he/she enters the Game using his/her real name, which he/she must verify by producing an ID card in case he/she has won one of the rewards in the Game.
8.6. Manipulation under clause 8.4 will be deemed to be the use of techniques and/or technologies that alter the element of personal and individual participation of the relevant individual in the Game.
- Additional Provisions:
9.1. In case the prize is received by a proxy of the winning Participant, by signing the acceptance protocol, the proxy voluntarily provides the Organizer with the personal data required for participation in the Game and receipt of the prize, namely: three names, telephone number, delivery address and 18 years of age. The data will be processed in order to identify the Participants and to establish feedback with the winning Participant to receive the prize. The data will be stored by the Promoter for a period of 6 (six) weeks after the date of the determination of the winning Entrants. This is necessary for contacting the winning Entrants and providing their prizes as described in clauses 7 and 8.
9.2. The storage and processing of entrants’ personal data shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of applicable law and the Privacy Policy.
9.3. The Organiser may promote the Game on the social network Facebook, including publishing information about the Game and two names of the winning Participants on the official WOW TEA Facebook page (
9.4. The Organiser has the right to amend and supplement these Rules at any time. Amendments and additions shall take effect from the date of their publication.
9.5. The Organiser is not responsible for the quality of the prizes and is not liable for the prizes provided.
9.6. These Rules come into force at 08:00 on 12.12.2024 and are valid for the duration of the Competition.