Payment information


63. Prices of goods and services are final and include VAT, as well as all other taxes and fees, provided for in the current legislation.
64. Price and method of payment are indicated in each order.
65. Methods of payment, offered by “WOW Tea” are: COD, PayPal, Credit/Debit Card.
66. The Customer agrees to perform payment in accordance with the selected by them method and the terms of the Distance sale contract upon its conclusion and under conditions between the Customer and the respective provider of payment services.
67. The Customer agrees that the Seller has the right to demand and accept an advance payment for the contracts for the purchase and sale of goods and their delivery.
68 . In case “WOW Tea” does not receive payment according to the method chosen by the Customer and within the agreed terms before the order is executed, it shall be considered refused by the Customer.

Rezultati se lahko razlikujejo: Vzroki prekomerne telesne teže ali debelosti se razlikujejo od osebe do osebe. Ne glede na to, ali so genetski ali pa zaradi človeških navad, je treba opozoriti, da je vnos hrane, stopnja metabolizma in stopnja telesne aktivnosti ter fizični napor razlikujejo od osebe do osebe. To pomeni, da se tudi rezultati pri izgubi teže razlikujejo od osebe do osebe. Nobenega posameznega rezultata ne bi smeli obravnavati kot tipičnega. Vse sestavine so pridobljene iz naravnih virov.

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